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Area Pastors


See Stephen Hardman 




CAP is Christians against poverty.


If you are feeling weighed down by debt, then they can help. You may think your situation is impossible, but there is hope. There friendly team will give you a listening ear in the privacy of your own home and provide a real solution to your debts.


Wyre Together Hub If you need support, please contact Wyre Together and they will try to help you get the support you need. Please visit: or call 01253 891000.


Mental Health Support 24/7 NHS mental health support is available across Lancashire & South Cumbria by phoning 0800 915 4680 or text Hello to 07862 022 846.

Inglewhite Congregational Church

Silk Mill Lane
Lancashire PR3 2LP

Sunday Service: 10.45am

Monthly evening service (last Sunday of month) at 6.30pm 

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