Our Vision and Values
Our Vision
To be a church that walks alongside one another and the wider community to make the love of God known to all.
Our Vision
Deut 5:33 - Walk in all the way that the Lord your God has commanded you.
W - Worship and Word
A – All involved
L – Loving relationships, Learning together
K - Kingdom mentality

W - We value Worship which seeks to honour God and place Jesus at the centre of our community whilst reflecting the multi-generational nature of the Church.We value the truth of God’s Word in the Bible and hold our beliefs as helpfully reflected in the creed of the Evangelical Alliance (see below).
A - We value All being involved, the ministry and contribution of every member, believing all have gifts to bring for the wider good
L - We value Learning and growing together, depending upon the Bible and the work of the Holy Spirit. We value Loving Relationships; the Church at Inglewhite has a loving caring soul which is reflected in a strength of relationship and an acceptance of one another which makes all who come feel welcome
K - We value having a Kingdom mentality, expecting God’s Church to grow as it serves the community around. Looking to spread Christ’s influence whether in the workplace, study environment, at home or in Church based activities through evangelism and other demonstrations of our faith. This also is reflected in our concern and support for the wider ministry of God through other local Churches and mission agencies.