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Inglewhite Church

Praying for revival

Been studying Dr RT Kendall; It ain't over till its over, he says a lot about revival.

Dr Martyn Lloyd Jones wrote: “Revival,” says Martyn Lloyd-Jones, “above anything else, is a glorification of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. It is the restoration of him to the centre of the life of the Church.” And Richard Robert Owens describes revival “an extraordinary movement of the Holy Spirit producing extraordinary results.”

Dr Kendall had a vision of revival in the 1950's and has prayed for it every day, He believes that there will be a mighty movement of the Holy Spirit as never seen before across the world before the Lord returns. The Church will found the balance of the word and the Spirit which as Dr MLJ said will glorify Jesus and put him at the centre of the life of the Church. Many millions will find faith in Christ as Lord and saviour.

Dr K believes that the preaching will focus on the second coming of Christ which people will receive and be moved by.

As we enter into Easter week, as we follow Jesus to the cross and through to resurrection let us remember that today he is in the glory interceding for us and preparing to come to take us home. May our current trial be used by God as a tool to open the hearts of people and prepare them to receive his word and life, the power of the cross to save us and the resurrection to transform us have never lost their power

The Lord bless your day

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